Welcome to the IYC
The year 2011 has been officially proclaimed the International Year of Chemistry. This initiative was agreed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 30 December 2008, which delegated to the UNESCO and the IUPAC (the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) the arrangements and organization of the events and meetings. The 2011 will be as well the centenary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Marie Curie —an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of women to science.
The International Year aims to increase the public appreciation of chemistry to the well-being of humankind. Under the slogan «Chemistry —our life, our future», the International Year wants to offer a plenty of activities, either of leisure or educative, for all kind of public.
The International Year is open to suggestions and the collaboration of everyone. In this connection, and according to its own objectives, the Catalan Society of Chemistry, with the support of the Science and Technology Section of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, wants to share with the scientific community this web site to announce and coordinate the activities organized, for the International Year of Chemistry, all around the territories of Catalan language and culture.